2020 Vision: New Eyes, New World with Creativity Alive
What are the New Eyes emerging from this New World that we find ourselves in? What are the new ways of seeing, of being seen, of seeing each other? What is the breadth of our experiences and how do our eyes and our art express that?
See the expanding gallery and message us your New Eyes for inclusion in this ongoing, life-expanding exhibit through Instagram >> or Facebook>> or tag @creativityaliveboulder
Please know we honor the full breadth of experiences in these times, the great joys and the great sorrows. It's all in the mix. Contact Merlyn with any questions.
Social media campaign launched May 1st in conjunction with NoBo Art District Virtual First Friday.
Thank you City of Boulder Youth Opportunity Program for partial sponsorship!
Sneak peeks...
Check out some New Eyes from Boulder High School students...
Stay in the loop
as this evolves...
Sneak peeks...
A few "New Eyes" from Merlyn Holmes, founder of Creativity Alive. More to come on Instagram>> and Facebook>> ...
Sneak peeks...
A few "New Eyes" from Karen Dombrowski-Sobel... More to come on Instagram>> and Facebook>> ...
Sneak peeks...
A few "New Eyes" from Benjamin Buren of Alive Studios... Many more to come on Instagram>> and Facebook>> ...
Here too are some photos capturing the pre-launch exploration of Vision 2020: New Eyes at other Mmmwhah! / Creativity Alive events.